Episode 22: Christine Miller: Jonestown, and the Silencing of Black Women

Imagine being the only voice of dissent in a room preparing for mass suicide. That's what Christine Miller did in Jonestown. Join me as we explore her story and the untold history of Black members in the Peoples Temple.
Christine is known for being the only one to speak out against Jones and his choices on November 18th, 1978 when over 900 members of the Peoples Temple drank the poisonous Flavor Aid.

The majority of the members in the Temple were Black but articles and history mainly focus on Jim Jones and other white members.
Uncover the silenced voices of Jonestown. This episode honors the courage of Christine Miller and sheds light on the often-ignored role of Black members in the Peoples Temple.


Before the tragedy at Jonestown, the people of Peoples Temple had a dream

Alternative Considerations of Jonestown & Peoples Temple


Episode 23: surviving Solo:


Episode 21: Catch Up and Mini Movie Review