Asteya, “non-stealing,” asks us to live with integrity. Our daily habits, good or bad, have a huge impact on our future. It’s imperative to mindful of what we consume: media, food, people.
We also need to be mindful of how we treat this planet. It’s hard to deny (well, it is for some ) the climate is changing. The effects we are seeing/feeling now are a result of how the planet has been treated in the past. It is suggested we live in a way where our next seven generations will be affected by it.
What if we gave back more than we took?
It is very timely I’m covering asteya as we are in the midst of an election.
What are some ways you practice non-stealing?
On my latest episode, To Sit With, I discuss asteya with Kennae Miller and all the different approaches on this Yama.