Wanna talk about Fascia?

The power of the body has always been fascinating to me; it’s one of the reasons I got into yoga. Throughout my YTT, I started to dive into other healing modalities. I was familiar with gua sha and lymphatic draining because another yogi I followed had some treatment on their arm and shoulder and while it may have freaked out others, I was fascinated by seeing the petechiae form on their skin (a close friend always tells me I have a penchant/fascination for pain when it comes to body care). This led me to learn about IASTM and become certified. The names and tools used may be different (ex: Graston) but the philosophy is based in Gua Sha. During this training, I learned more about the importance of fascia in our body. Fascia is a connective tissue that wraps around our muscles, organs, blood vessels, and more which helps the body with optimal performance. Many times when we feel our muscles are tight, there’s a chance it may be our fascia. Fascia plays a crucial role in supporting and structuring our bodies, and understanding it can improve yoga your practice. To further explore fascia, I recently completed a 50-Hour Fascia Yoga Teacher Training program with Arhanta Ashrams & Online Academy. I learned about Body Architecture, The Elastic Breath, and using sound within the subtle body which will allow me to create more effective yoga classes that improve students’ flexibility, range of motion, and overall well-being. I’m excited to integrate this knowledge into my teaching and personal practice!


MUSC’s PICO Youth Leadership Institute


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