MUSC’s PICO Youth Leadership Institute

If someone was to ask my advice for having career in yoga, I would tell them to not pigeonhole themselves. Have a list of goals you want to accomplish but don’t let it be the cause you turn down other opportunities. Almost four years ago (in actually four days, to be exact), I had no idea where my yoga journey would take me. I knew I wanted to offer private sessionns (which I do) and to facilitate my own YTT (one day) but the majority of the opportunities have been saying “yes” to whatever comes my way. This approach has it’s pros and cons but it has shown me where I thrive. Teaching yoga (outside of the studio) and exposing it to new audiences is always thrilling. At first, you may have some hesitation from participants but pretty soon you’ll have their attention and interest piqued.

I had the honor of  being part of MUSC’s  PICO (Public Information and Community Outreach Program )Youth Leadership Institute!

This event equips middle schoolers with career paths, financial knowledge, and tools for mental health. Looking back at my own middle school years, I realize I was struggling with depression but lacked awareness and resources. Events like these matter - especially for minority students.

I led mindfulness and movement workshops and a few students even joined me on stage!

I’m available to for workshops, speaking engagements, group sessions and more.

Let’s connect:

Shanika Pichey leading a movement and mindfulness session for middle schoolers at MUSC's PICO Youth Leadership Institute. Shanika is guiding a student into the pose Downward Facing Dog

My Journey with Alternative Healing


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